In 2021, after Heather Pulido graduated with her master's degree in human services, little did she know that the education she received on non-profit organizations would come in so handy. It wasn't part of the plan, but less than three short years later, she was filing endless paperwork for her 501(c)3.
A Startling Statement
When Emily was four days old, ready to go home after her jaundice cleared, a doctor entered the hospital room and started describing Emily's features to Heather, a first-time mom. Confused and wondering what the doctor was getting at, she then informed Heather that Emily had Down syndrome.Â
Surprised But Not Shocked
Due to having Down syndrome, Heather and her husband, Hector, knew there was always a higher chance that Emily could one day develop leukemia. Thankfully, Emily has been healthy all her life, so this possibility wasn't at the forefront of their minds.Â
In the fall of 2023, Emily began experiencing fatigue, decreased appetite, and joint pain. She just wasn't herself. Heather made an appointment to see her pediatrician, however, they never made it there. Em started getting bloody noses, but they were manageable. Suddenly, though, they were forced to rush to the emergency room due to a profuse, unstoppable nosebleed.Â
Deep down, they now knew.Â
Later that day, in the ER, the doctor came in with the next startling statement about Emily for Heather and Hector.
"She has leukemia. You're being admitted."Â
The Pulido's then spent the first of many nights at Cook Children's Hospital in Fort Worth, Texas. The medical team started the work-up to prepare to begin the long journey ahead of chemotherapy and multiple lengthy hospitalizations.Â
And they have witnessed more sickness in their child than any parent should have.
Just seven weeks prior, Emily turned 15 and celebrated her Quinceanera. Although she usually doesn't tolerate doing her hair, she allowed her long brown hair to be curled and styled for her big event.Â

She danced her heart out on that special day with her daddy, extended family, and friends.
Now, she was starting chemo– and lost all of her beautiful hair.

But God!
Emily has bravely endured the nasty side effects of treatment: pain, nausea, invasive lines- and the mouth full of large sores were the worst.Â
What more can a parent's heart take when their child calls herself ugly, apologizes daily to her family for being sick, and thinks everyone is mad at her and hates her?
For Hector, Heather, and their two other children, there was a lot of calling on God, praying, and crying to make it through each day…every hour…or any given minute.
Heather shared on her Facebook page, "I got into the car and for the first time just sat there and put my head down on the steering wheel and cried. Emily didn't ask for any of this. Her life already has its challenges. If there's something I could do to take away her pain, I would. I'm used to being able to protect my kids and prevent them from hurting, but now I can't. We've been in the hospital for a week, and it feels like we're never leaving. Everything changed way too fast without warning, and I don't even have time to process any of it."
But God has spoken to and comforted this momma's broken heart. She needed strength she didn't possess.
The Christian group Mercy Me's song "Even If" came on the radio just when Heather needed it most.
But God, when You choose
To leave mountains unmovable
Oh, give me the strength to be able to sing
It is well with my soul
Heather didn't know what lay ahead but knew who led the way.Â
Starting a non-profit
Chemotherapy is even more toxic to those with Down syndrome than those without. Another brutal treatment drug, Methotrexate, isn't metabolized well and can cause serious side effects. However, there isn't a specific treatment protocol for those with DS-ALL (Down syndrome and acute lymphoblastic leukemia) that is effective yet not so risk-laden and detrimental to recovery.Â
After much prayer, the Pulido's decided to help advance research for a specific treatment protocol for the DS-ALL community. They feel strongly that through their non-profit organization, they can begin to help bridge the gap for future DS-ALL patients with advocacy and fundraising.Â
Alas, Team Emily was born.Â
God Just Be Doing All The God Things
After waiting for what seemed like forever on one last lab result and a call from the doctor, on February 14th, 2024, Emily was declared in remission- What an amazing Valentine's Day gift!
"Em" still has over a year of relapse prevention treatment to go, but she is on track to return to school in September 2025!

"We exist to enhance the lives of individuals with Down syndrome who have a leukemia diagnosis by encouraging the funding for research of treatment protocol, as well as providing assistance and resources to patients and their families during their cancer journey." -Team Emily.